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Hi there, I'm Rachel!

Allow me to introduce two of my four dogs, Loki and Finn. We are so glad you are here! 

I am a 30-something businesswoman currently living in east Tennessee. I have moved every 2-4 years my entire life, first with my military family and then with my own career. I have reinvented myself many times over the years, whether due to moves, breakups, career changes, or new interests. In 2018, I settled down long enough to buy my first home! I have happily collected dogs ever since, and am pursuing my biggest goals to-date. I am on track to complete a PhD and an Ironman this year!  

I started this blog as a creative outlet to share lessons learned though my life as a chronic goal-setter. Failures and achievements alike have shaped my life in ultimately positive ways. I am proud to have successfully grown my career to 6-figures, quit smoking, paid off $12,000 in credit card debt, gotten a multi-engine pilot’s license, lost weight, gotten an MBA, managed depression, completed a half-Ironman, and started a new life by myself (multiple times). EACH of those goals were achieved after false starts, road bumps, and at times devastating – but temporary – failures. 

I truly believe anyone can achieve their goals if they are stubborn enough, believe in themselves, and plan sufficiently. I hope that the stories and tools (tips! and tricks! – for you Schitt’s Creek fans) shared here will inspire and help others to improve themselves, their careers, and their lives in whatever direction they dream to go.

Disclosure Policy

This blog is a personal blog edited by me. All opinions, beliefs, and experiences regarding topics and products are honest and strive for appropriate representation of the intended identity of this blog. 

This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorships, affiliate links, and other forms of compensation. Affiliate links provide a small compensation to this blog but do not add to your purchase total. These links may put a cookie on your computer that may give Bright & Able / Davis Industries LLC a commission for up to 30 days on that same retailer website. If you want to prevent this simply clear your cookies after clicking an affiliate link. I appreciate you visiting my site and using my links if you choose to do so. 

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